The Programs listed below are licensed under the following License Information terms and conditions in addition to the Program license terms previously agreed to by Client and IBM. If Client does not have previously agreed to license terms in effect for the Program, the International Program License Agreement (i125-3301-15) applies.

Program Name (Program Number):

IBM WebSphere Hybrid Edition 5.1 Update (5737-N60)

The following standard terms apply to Licensee's use of the Program.

Bundled Programs

Licensee is authorized to install and use the Bundled Programs identified below. A Bundled Program may be accompanied by license terms, and those terms, if any, apply to Licensee's use of that Bundled Program. In the event of conflict, the terms in this License Information document supersede the Bundled Program's terms. The Principal Program and any Bundled Programs are all part of the Program, as a whole. Therefore, Licensee must obtain sufficient entitlements to the Program, as a whole, to cover Licensee's installation and use of all of the Bundled Programs, unless separate entitlements are provided within this License Information document. For example, if this Program were licensed on a VPC (Virtual Processor Core) basis and Licensee were to install the Principal Program or a Bundled Program on a 10 VPC machine and another Bundled Program on a second 10 VPC machine, Licensee would be required to obtain 20 VPC entitlements to the Program.

Bundled Programs:

IBM WebSphere Application Server IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

Components Not Used for Establishing Required Entitlements

Licensee may install and use the following Program components, under the license terms, but these components are not used to determine the number of entitlements required for the Program.

IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor

IBM Mono2Micro

IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit


Licensee acknowledges and agrees that IBM may use cookie and tracking technologies to collect personal information in gathering product usage statistics and information designed to help improve user experience and/or to tailor interactions with users in accordance with the IBM Online Privacy Policy, available at

Source Components and Sample Materials

The Program includes components in source code form ("Source Components"), or other materials identified as Sample Materials or both. Licensee may copy and modify Source Components and Sample Materials for internal use only within the limits of the license rights under this Agreement; provided, however, that Licensee may not alter or delete any copyright information or notices contained in the Source Components or Sample Materials. IBM provides the Source Components and Sample Materials without obligation of support and "AS IS", WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR NON-INTERFERENCE AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

The following units of measure may apply to Licensee's use of the Program.

Virtual Processor Core

Virtual Processor Core is a unit of measure by which the Program can be licensed. A Physical Server is a physical computer that is comprised of processing units, memory, and input/output capabilities and that executes requested procedures, commands, or applications for one or more users or client devices. Where racks, blade enclosures, or other similar equipment is being employed, each separable physical device (for example, a blade or a rack-mounted device) that has the required components is considered itself a separate Physical Server. A Virtual Server is either a virtual computer created by partitioning the resources available to a Physical Server or an unpartitioned Physical Server. A Processor Core is a functional unit within a computing device that interprets and executes instructions. A Processor Core consists of at least one instruction control unit and one or more arithmetic or logic units. A Virtual Processor Core is a Processor Core in an unpartitioned Physical Server, or a virtual core assigned to a Virtual Server. Licensee must obtain entitlements for each Virtual Processor Core made available to the Program.

Licensee can deploy the Program (if supported) using full capacity licensing, sub-capacity licensing (, or container licensing ( See the linked websites for more information.

In addition to the above, the following terms apply to Licensee's use of the Program.

Listed Program Details :

Licensee may choose to convert entitlements between the listed programs below at any time.

1. IBM WebSphere Application Server (Includes Liberty Base)

- Conversion Entitlement Ratio: 4 VPCs / 1 VPC

2. IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core

- Conversion Entitlement Ratio: 8 VPCs / 1 VPC

3. IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment (Includes Liberty Network Deployment)

- Conversion Entitlement Ratio: 1 VPC / 1 VPC

Conversion Entitlement Ratio n/m" means that Licensee can convert some number ('n') entitlements of the indicated metric for the listed program for every specified number ('m') entitlements of the specified metric for the Program. Once converted, Licensee may only use such converted entitlements for the listed program. The specified conversion does not apply to any entitlements for the Program that are not of the required metric type.

The license to modernization tools included with this Program (namely IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor, IBM Mono2Micro and IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit) is restricted for use in facilitating the modernization, migration or transformation of workloads for use by this Program.