IBM Support

Scale-out LC System Event Log Collection Tool

General Page

Scale-out LC Service and Support


If a Linux partition is up and running, then the standard sosreport should be collected in addition to running the data collection script or the OpenBMCtool.

The sosreport needs to be run by root user, the script prompts for additional information and when complete will show the location of the output file.

To collect the data from the BMC, the script file (contained in the package below) or the OpenBMCtool should be used by the customer to collect additional data.

The script is used for MTM: 8348-21C, 8335-GCA, 8335-GTA, 8335-GTB, 8001-12C, 8001-22C, 8005-12N, 8005-22N, 7063-CR1, 9006-12P, 9006-22P, 9006-22C, and 5104-22C.

The OpenBMCtool is used for MTM: 8335-GTG, 8335-GTC, 8335-GTW, 8335-GTH, 8335-GTX, 9183-22X, and 7063-CR2.


Installation of plc tool

For MT 8001-12C, 8001-22C, 8005-12N, 8005-22N, 7063-CR1, 9006-12P, 9006-22P, 9006-22C, and 5104-22C systems:

For MT 8348-21C, 8335-GCA, 8335-GTA, and 8335-GTB systems:


  • The Linux system used to perform the data collection must have the following tool packages installed:
    • ipmitool
    • perl
    • sshpass - For POWER8 based systems only (8001, 8005, 7063, 8348, 8335-GTA GTB GCA)
    • The Linux system must have network connectivity to the BMC.

Installation steps

  1. Copy the package to a Linux system that has network connectivity to the BMC of the Scale-out LC server you need to collect data from.
  2. Unzip the file into a directory of your choice.
    Note: The files generated by this script will be saved in the same directory as the script is run from.
  3. The directory will now contain the following directories:
    For plc-1.02, the directories are:

    For plc-3.0, the files are:

Usage of plc tool

usage: { -b bmc_address | -i } [-a admin_pw] [-s sysadmin_pw] [-h host -u user -p password] [-f]


-b BMC hostname or IP address
-a BMC ADMIN password if changed from default (admin)
-s BMC sysadmin password if changed from default (superuser)
-i Interactive mode
-f Collect BMC firmware image
-h Linux host address: Only on POWER8 Systems
-u Linux host user ID: Only on POWER8 Systems
-p Linux host password: Only on POWER8 Systems



  • If sshpass is not found on the system, then the script prints "sshpass is required and not found on this system" and will exit with return code 1, for POWER8 based systems.
  • If the BMC is not reachable via ping, then the script prints, "Unable to ping bmchostname/IPaddress" and will exit with return code 2.
  • If a "command not found" error is returned when running the command, try running the command by prepending the command with ./ so that the command is ./

Reference Information

This section is intended as additional reference information.

Installing Requisite Packages

Note: The Linux server that is going to be used for running data collection script can be running any version of Linux on any type of server. It is not related to the Scale-out LC server or the version of Linux running on the Scale-out LC server.

  • Linux distributions have their own way to search, download and install packages such as the required ipmitool and sshpass programs.
  • If using a graphical front end, an easy to use GUI utility is provided that allows you to search the Linux repository (usually on the internet unless a local repository has been set up), select, download, and install the required packages and any prerequisites they might have.
  • From the command line, different Linux distributions have different command-line tools. You need to be root user to run these commands.
    For example: sudo apt-get install ipmitool

We would expect the administrator to be familiar with installing packages and files on their Linux environment.

Managing software
Task apt (deb) Debian, Ubuntu zypp (rpm) openSUSE yum/dnf (rpm) Fedora, CentOS urpmi (rpm) Mandriva, Mageia
Install new software from package repository apt-get install pkg zypper install pkg yum install pkg urpmi pkg
Install new software from package file dpkg -i pkg zypper install pkg yum localinstall pkg urpmi pkg
Update existing software apt-get install pkg zypper update -t package pkg yum update pkg urpmi pkg
Remove unwanted software apt-get remove pkg zypper remove pkg yum erase pkg urpmi pkg

IBM OpenBMC tool

The IBM OpenBMC tool is used to interact with the new OpenBMC on the 7063-CR2, 8335-GTG, 8335-GTC, 8335-GTW, 8335-GTH, 8335-GTX, and 9183-22X products.


For RHEL7 and RHEL8 distributions with python3:


  • python3 binary installed and available on system
  • python3 version at 3.4 or higher
  • python3 requests package installed and at 3.4 or higher

For RHEL7.4+ IBM Power LE (POWER9) distributions:
Note: This is for users that only have a python34 application on their system.


  • python34 binary installed and available on system
  • python34 requests package installed

For other operating systems:

Note: For Windows OS support, version 1.04 or greater of the tool is needed.


  • To install, run the following as root:
    yum install ./<rpm downloaded above>

Other operating systems

To install, complete the following:

  1. Extract the contents of the .zip file.

  2. It is recommended to add a link to this file in your path.

    For example:
    ln -s -f /opt/ibm/ras/bin/ /usr/bin/openbmctool

  3. After extracting the contents, operating systems other than Linux will require you to add 'python3' at the beginning of each command:

    For example:
    python3 -H <bmc IP> or <bmc hostname> -U <username> -P <password> chassis power status


  1. To get help on a command:
    openbmctool -H <bmc IP> or <bmc hostname> -U <username> -P <password> chassis power -h

  2. To view log entries:
    openbmctool -H <bmc IP> or <bmc hostname> -U <username> -P <password> sel print

  3. To collect service data from the BMC:
    openbmctool -H <bmc IP> or <bmc hostname> -U <username> -P <password> collect_service_data

Scale-out LC system VPD update tool

The Scale-out LC system VPD update tool is used to make VPD modifications to Power Systems from the host OS of the machine.
If a failure is seen when using the latest 3.3 version try using the 3.2 version, or update firmware to the latest and then try the 3.3 version.

For Ubuntu 16.04 or newer distributions:

For RHEL 7 or newer distributions:

Petitboot Plugin:


  • To install, run the following:
    sudo dpkg -i <deb downloaded above>
  • If you encounter a dependency error when installing the tool, run the following to install dependencies and complete the installation:
    sudo apt-get -f install


  • To install, run the following as root:
    yum install ./<rpm downloaded above>

Petitboot Plugin:

  • To install the plugin from a usb key:
    pb-plugin install /path/to/vpdupdate-3.3.pb-plugin

Note: The USB will automatically be mounted in petitboot, just run mount to look for the USB drive path information.  /path/to needs to be substituted with the actual path to the petitboot plugin.
For example, pb-plugin install /var/petitboot/mnt/dev/sda/vpdupdate-3.3.pb-plugin

  • To install the plugin from a network location from the petitboot shell:

pb-plugin install


  1. To update the machine serial number from OS:
    sudo /opt/host/vpdupdate/bin/updateserial <1234567>

    Note: <1234567> to be replaced with your seven character Serial Number

    From Petitboot shell:
    /var/lib/pb-plugins/bin/updateserial <1234567>

  2. To update the machine model from OS:
    sudo /opt/host/vpdupdate/bin/updatemodel <8335-GTA>

    Note: <8335-GTA> to be replaced with your system model

    From Petitboot shell:
    /var/lib/pb-plugins/bin/updatemodel <8335-GTA>

  3. Verify the machine type that you are working on and select from the following:
    • For MT 8001-12C, 8001-22C, 8005-12N, 8005-22N, 7063-CR1, 9006-22C, 9006-12P, 9006-22P, and 5104-22C systems, run the following command to save changes:
      ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x1c

      Note: This might take about 30 seconds to complete. Run the following command to check status and continue after it returns a value of 0.
      ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x1d

    • For MT 8348-21C, 8335-GCA, 8335-GTA, and 8335-GTB: Reinstall or upgrade the PNOR firmware for the changes to take effect.
    • For MT 8335-GTC, 8335-GTG, 8335-GTH, 8335-GTW, 8335-GTX, and 9183-22X reboot BMC.
  4. The BMC needs to be rebooted after running the commands above, either pull AC power or run ipmitool mc reset cold, then reboot to petitboot or to the host OS to ensure the changes take effect.
  5. To verify that the data was added to the system check the BMC GUI or use ipmitool. The machine type and model, information is under FRU ID 3 via GUI or ipmitool fru print 3

    Note: For 8348-21C, to verify the machine type and model, you need to look at FRU ID 2 via the GUI or ipmitool fru print 2.


SNMP Trap enablement

For MT 8348-21C, 8335-GCA, 8335-GTA, and 8335-GTB systems:

  1. Log in to the BMC WebGUI
  2. From the Configuration menu, click "PEF"
  3. Click "LAN Destination"
  4. Within the displayed table, click on a row, then click Add for a new entry
  5. From the Destination type drop-down, select "SNMP Trap". Populate the Destination Address field with the IPv4 Address of the system where the SNMP client resides. Click "Save".
  6. This completes the BMC setup for sending SNMP Traps. The MIB table below can be used with your client for interpreting the traps.

For MT 8001-12C, 8001-22C, 8005-12N, 8005-22N, and 7063-CR1 systems:

  1. Log in to the BMC WebGUI
  2. From the Configuration menu, click "Alerts"
  3. Within the displayed table, click on a row, then click "Modify"
  4. From the "Event Severity" drop-down, pick the level of alerts you want to receive. Populate the Destination IP field with the IPv4 Address of the system where the SNMP client resides. Click "Save".
  5. This completes the BMC setup for sending SNMP Traps. The MIB table below can be used with your client for interpreting the traps.

For MT 8335-GTC, 8335-GTG, 8335-GTH, 8335-GTW, and 8335-GTX systems running on OP910, OP920 and OP930 Firmware:

REST commands are below.


Note: How to get the <id> -step 3 output gets the object id for the added SNMP manager.

  1. Log in to the system:
    curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://<hostname/ip>/login -d "{\"data\": [ \"<username>\", \"<password>\" ] }"
  2. Add the SNMP manager:
    curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data": ["<snmp manager ip>", <port>, "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.Client.IPProtocol.IPv4"] }' https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/snmp/manager/action/Client
  3. Enumerate the network namespace to get the objectID:
    curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/enumerate
  4. Delete the SNMP Manager:
    curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/snmp/manager/<id>
    • Note: How to get the <id> -step 3 output gets the object id for the added SNMP manager.

    • MIB file for SNMP traps:

For MT 9183-22X, 8335-GTH, and 8335-GTX systems running on OP940 Firmware:

      Note: Only SNMPv2 is supported.
  1. Log in to the OpenBMC GUI
  2. Click "Server Configuration" menu
  3. Click "SNMP settings"
  4. Click "Add Manager"
  5. Enter the hostname or IP address and the port number.
  6. Click "Save Settings"
  7. You can remove a manager by clicking the trash bin icon next to the manager that you want to remove.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HW1A1","label":"IBM Power Systems"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 February 2024

